Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday Measurements

Every Thursday I'll be taking measurements!
This week:
Arm - 13
Calf - 16
Thigh - 25
Hips - 43
Waist - 36.5
Chest - 41.5

In the Jeans Man

I'm a reverse anorexic.

I look at myself and think meh, not so bad, I'm a pretty little thing! When in actuality the numbers show I'm obese. I am 5 foot 2 and should weigh anywhere from 110 to 120 pounds. I weigh 47 pounds more than that. But mentally I just don't feel it.

It takes my clothes to really show me the problem areas. Just like all of us I've gone up and down in sizes and explain away dryer shrinkage and sizing discrepancies. But deep down I know my jeans are my true measure.

So, here is a picture of two pairs of jeans. The dark pair I just got and are a little snug around the top muffin area. The light pair I've had for about 6 years and they are my favorites. I wore them AFTER I had my son so I know it's possible.

Side by side I don't see a difference at all and I think - cool! just a few jogs and I'm there!
Even on top of each other where you can see the difference I just am not getting the impact of the issue here:

The light ones are a size 5 and the dark ones are a size 13. Is that really all the difference there is in the sizes?!   I just can't wait to say I went down 8 sizes.

Ok but first step is to get these 13s to fit with room to breathe!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wednesday Weigh In


It's Wednesday Weigh-In Time!

I'm truly hopeful that future Wednesday posts will be more motivating and less embarassing. But as this is the first one, it's my rock bottom. It's where I am at the start. THE START!

You know, gosh guys, when I was getting these pics ready to upload I actually was still trying to figure out which ones made me look the best. A sad sad mindset. Well, here they are.

Weigh in #1 : 5foot2 and 167 pounds. The last time I weighed this I was 9 months pregnant with my first kiddo.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


At holiday functions we're honestly lucky to all leave the house in clean clothes (especially when 'clean' is a relative term that may last only 15 minutes when you have 2 boys). But the intention is there - cute pants, shirts, matching shoes for each child in coordinating combinations.

I, however, am the last on the list to be checked off. Mom prepares the food, the presents, the people and I admit I've gotten way out of the habit of putting myself before anything else. Call it letting myself go - call it being a martyr - call it OMGFREAKINGLACKOFTIME. In whatever case I have been known to show up without makeup or hair still air-drying to many a function. But again, the intention is there.

When choosing attire, not only do I consider if it is too casual, too dressy, too hot or too cold - but I also somehow still retain the hope that one skirt will magically melt away 10 pounds that the last skirt didn't. That somehow the cream sweater will eliminate the muffin-top effect over my jeans that the blue blouse couldn't. In my closet, I just know, are clothes with super-powers I have yet unleashed. If only I took the time to plan and primp and prepare. It's the fate of the fat.

Today was the last day of school for my kids - AKA the last day to get anything done in preparation for Christmas. Due to painting/staining/gluing projects for their gifts - I was in sweatpants, a huge t-shirt and hadn't had a shower all day. Needless to say, I was caught by surprise when my aunt showed up to pick up a few folding chairs for this weekend's family events. Her comment? "You look good - have you lost weight"?

Now, ok...

This is a comment that I've heard more than once. Many times more than once. This is the first time in my life I've been obese. Before I was always curvy but not like I am now. But this is what people ask me - "have you lost weight"?... and they are serious.

So my question to you is...
Are they remembering me that much fatter than I really am and then genuinely surprised when I'm just how I am (which is the fattest I've ever been)...

This sugarplum fairy is befuddled by the phenomenon...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Twas The Post Before Christmas

Twas the night before the last day of school before Christmas break,
When all through the house,
Presents were half wrapped -
At least the ones I could remember where I put them.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of bank statements and lists ran through my head.
And me in my pajamas - er - I mean yoga pants that are totally ok to wear to WalMart
Had just settled down to do some real work.

When out from the kitchen there arose such a clatter!
Dirty dinner dishes in the sink had slid into the platter.
Away to the counter I went blazing skids
To ensure the noise didn't wake my sweet kids

My waistline already round and my neckline a growin'
I started wondering what outfit would fit by the morning.
Work and school parties and events to be done-
Would the same black velvet pants be ok for each one?

When finally it hit me while there in the kitchen -
It's time to take back control and just quit my bitchin'.
Loose the fat gain the stregnth - cleaner house, fewer quirks!
Ok I've said it before but this time it will work!

I sprang to my laptop and gave a clear sigh -
On a blog I will post for all those passing by.
Watch the changes, the setbacks, the humor and fun -
As I take back the parts of my life - every one.

Happy pre-new year 'yall... I'm not skipping over Christmas, a favorite of mine... I'm just excited and don't want to lose my momentum! Can we call contemplating but not doing anything about it for 2 weeks momentum? Yes, we sure as hell can.