Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Day 2 Hour 12 Captain's Resolution Log...

Ok it's not that bad but it has it's moments. I'm having withdrawal symptoms people. From coke.

I'd be less embarassed if it was crack cocaine but it's not, it's CocaCola. Born and raised in Atlanta, the Coke capital of the world, it's in my veins. And on my thighs, and in my muffin top.

My new year's resolution was giving up sugary drinks at home. I didn't think I could go cold turkey so I will allow myself a southern reprieve of sweet-tea or coke when at a restraunt but not at home. It doesn't seem like much but it adds up.

One in the morning, one with dinner even that alone adds up to 310 calories a day of NOTHING. There are 3000 calories in a pound, so if you did nothing different in your eating and exercising habits but drank two cokes a day, you'd gain 1 pound every 10 days... that adds up to 36 pounds a year. AND that's about what has happened to me in the past two years. I'm hoping the reversal will have some effect but I know it's not going to be 100% but it will be a help.

So guys, support me in stopping my drinking habit!

What did you give up for New Years?

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