Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Twas The Post Before Christmas

Twas the night before the last day of school before Christmas break,
When all through the house,
Presents were half wrapped -
At least the ones I could remember where I put them.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of bank statements and lists ran through my head.
And me in my pajamas - er - I mean yoga pants that are totally ok to wear to WalMart
Had just settled down to do some real work.

When out from the kitchen there arose such a clatter!
Dirty dinner dishes in the sink had slid into the platter.
Away to the counter I went blazing skids
To ensure the noise didn't wake my sweet kids

My waistline already round and my neckline a growin'
I started wondering what outfit would fit by the morning.
Work and school parties and events to be done-
Would the same black velvet pants be ok for each one?

When finally it hit me while there in the kitchen -
It's time to take back control and just quit my bitchin'.
Loose the fat gain the stregnth - cleaner house, fewer quirks!
Ok I've said it before but this time it will work!

I sprang to my laptop and gave a clear sigh -
On a blog I will post for all those passing by.
Watch the changes, the setbacks, the humor and fun -
As I take back the parts of my life - every one.

Happy pre-new year 'yall... I'm not skipping over Christmas, a favorite of mine... I'm just excited and don't want to lose my momentum! Can we call contemplating but not doing anything about it for 2 weeks momentum? Yes, we sure as hell can.

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